Saving A Family Home – Mr. Underhill

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*Mr. Underhill, like so many others in the past 9 years, received a foreclosure notice in the mail and attached to that notice was the contact information for Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services. Mr. Underhill contacted our office and was assigned Jane Hoy as his financial counselor. The rest, as they say, “is history.” Jane and Mr. Underhill hit it off right away. He knew she had his best interests in her heart and she was knowledgeable in foreclosure prevention and loan modifications. He took the advice Jane gave him, as well as the plan they had crafted together, and got to work.

“I wanted to save my home. After a failed relationship and declining health- I just wanted to keep my family’s home. Think of the joys and the sorrows that happen in the home you grew up in. My Mother and Father both died here. So much of who I am and why lives in this house with me.”

After months of dedicated budgeting, saving and planning; Jane worked with Mr. Underhill to eventually get a loan modification. After a year of diligent saving and budget success and a series of health issues, another loan modification was achieved as well. All because Mr. Underhill took ownership of his financial situations and did the work to help ensure success- and now that the payment is one he can afford, he can look to the future and set goals.

“Once I knew I wasn’t going to lose my house; my family home- I could catch up on the things that hadn’t been paid, the things I just couldn’t get to. I felt so much more in control of things; and I felt, for once that I was taking care of myself first. That was a good feeling.”

Achieving financial goals has helped Mr. Underhill to look forward with hope and a plan. He wants to help the homeless. Jane has even joined Mr. Underhill to work on a program to feed the local homeless population on the weekends- a time where there is very little available to them. “I love to cook and I want to give back. My faith is pushing me toward this goal and I am so excited to see where this path leads.”

Do you have goals that are being hindered by your current financial situation? Are you working and struggling to keep your home? Let us help you focus those efforts! Call Jane or Leah today! (410) 543-4626

*Mr. Underhill is a long-term client of SNHS, who wants to share his success story, but wishes to remain anonymous

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